Could it be because I'm reading the mega-best-seller, Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert? Possibly. It's certainly an appropriate book for this trip, as one third of the book details her search for spiritual enlightenment in India. She was at an ashram, I'm at Le Royal Meridien (with less opportunity for sacrifice and self-denial, obviously).
And yet... Look what appeared before my eyes when I opened the drawer in my room.
Yes, indeed. Temptation in the form of two books. And one, a Gideon Bible! In the past I've had a little bit of a problem with liberating these babies from hotel rooms.
Yet, this time? Not so much. Is it because I am becoming a more honest and virtuous person? Probably not.
Is it because the Bible was not translated into Hindi? Perhaps.
Is it because I have still four weeks of travel ahead of me, and already my suitcase is bulging? Yes, absolutely yes.
I'm shocked you contemplated removing more than the shower gel and soap.
Hey, when you pass by the maids cart... grab me a couple extra rolls of tissue...
More pictures please....
hey everyone, if you are wondering, my parents are ok- it's just that blogging and facebook do not work in China!!!!!!!
Hope to have you back soon.
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