Friday, December 11, 2009

Revelation(s) NSFW

N.B. This might or might not be safe for work, depending on where you work, whether you're American or European, and how you define obscenity.

IMG_9176 kouros torso, originally uploaded by ehdindigo.

Well, very exciting week here at the ol' blog. We've established the following:

  1. We don't wipe our butts with torn up newspapers over here in Glen Ellyn, unlike those frat boys down in Peoria who do.
  2. We don't sit on our hands when we pee in furrin' terlets.
  3. Instead, we squat to do our business, or we don't do anything at all. (Definitely the most lady-like choice)
  4. Anything else? We don't break mirrors in ladies' bathrooms, we definitely don't touch the genitalia on Greek statues, and we don't post obscene photos to our Flickr accounts. Not ever.
Which brings me to the following point. I put up this photo of the Greek drinking cup -- I think it's called a kylix -- with its phallically enhanced satyr (now decorated with a holiday-themed modesty cap), and within a few minutes, Flickr had censored it.

IMG_9510 satyr plate--holiday, originally uploaded by ehdindigo.

So apparently, it's okay to fly halfway round the world to look at Greek vases in situ, or in the flesh, as it were, but if you want to photograph what you saw and share it with all your friends back home, you can just forget it. Because God forbid anyone should see this kind of ancient pornography unless they can pay round-trip airfare to do so. This is why art historians have such a bad reputation. They have all this great stuff lying around, but they selfishly want to keep it all to themselves.

Oddly, all the rest of the "naked men photos" from that batch I uploaded slid through. Or slipped in. Or something. Perhaps because their penises were in the small to normal range? I don't know. It's a good thing Flickr can't read my mind, because then they'd know the extent of my depravity, and my true and lusty intentions in regards to every single one of those photos. I've half a mind to post a nekkid man in every single post on this here blog. That'd show 'em. It's all art, ain't it?

* Oddly, the original photo now seems to be available again. A pity it's so out of focus.


@eloh said...

I'm pretty sure I know that guy in the top photo,,, I think it's my third husband.

SkylersDad said...

That's funny, I wear a Santa hat around on my junk and my wife pretends she doesn't know me at the store.

Madame DeFarge said...

I'm reassured that Flickr exists to protect our flagging morals. And reminded that all art is porn. Or is it the other way around? I forget so easily.

The vw is 'defigic'. Apt.

sas said...

Thank goodness someone is protecting our sensitive eyes and ears, lest we be sucked into the vortex of godlessness.

Christine said...

I vote for naked men on every post. :)

The human body is beautiful! Least that is what Dr. X-a bish-in-ist said when I asked him if he would at least let me get out of the men's locker room before he dropped his scrubbies in order to pee at the urinal.

Christine said...

Oh... I told him the human body was ridiculous so if he wanted to make me laugh all night, just keep up what he was doing.

Crabby McSlacker said...

I was starting to hate those ubiquitous Santa hats--but that picture totally made my day. I think no one should be allowed to wear a santa hat unless its worn on the end of a freakishly huge penis.