Sunday, July 12, 2009

Famous for 15 minutes

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
February 2007

Whoo hoo! I'm published over in Passport at the Women's Colony!

Check out the link to my story, and enjoy. Or suffer along with me, as you deem appropriate.

You'll be happy to know that I long ago forgave Mr D for forgetting the mosquito repellent.



Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your famous status! I just read your story and giggled at your misery - Sorry ;0)

We have similar situations here. I always pay for guests visas before they arrive but 9 times out of 10 they are made to pay again and god forbid they have anything in their suitcase that the authorities might want - the airport Police have a very nice job here!

Mrs. G. said...

Wonder Woman with a forgiving heart!

expateek said...

Eternally -- it's worth a giggle. And it certainly seems funnier two years on! Interesting about the visa thing happening other places too. We felt so jerked around. Also interesting about the police at the airport... I took to the cling-wrapping of suitcases after getting robbed coming out of Jozi. Though nothing stops someone who really wants to steal.

Mrs. G -- Ha! I must sound much saintlier than I truly am. Thanks for publishing this, over at yours. I'm chuffed!

La Belette Rouge said...

I know a famous person!! Congratulations!!! I am on my way to the Writer's Colony and I am bringing bug spray with me.
p.s. Thank you so much for the incredible comment you left me today. I so appreciate it. I know you know the PTSD of which I wrote. I am so sorry you do.

MamaLina said...

No surprise here! I've known you were quite famous from day one! Miss you! When are you coming back to Abq?

expateek said...

Belette -- well, we'll have to put "famous" in quotes, really, won't we? Thanks for your comment as well. It's so nice to get feedback.

MamaLina -- ha ha, I know who you are in real life!! Yay! Abq is on the list, but I have to finish my paper *sob* before I'm let out on a longer leash. You don't care to write something about museums, do you? :-)

Cat said...

Congrats! What a fun blog you have here!